Berghouse and Cottages. This destination is situated at the “Gateway” to the Northern Drakensberg, on a private estate. Amphitheatre and Mountain views are features from the windows of the cottages. Panoramic views of the Northern Drakensberg Mountain Peaks that surround this unique and special venue, providing some of the most spectacular views of the mountains in South Africa

Berghouse and Cottages
Bergville, South Africa
Cell 082 804 8784
28373’14” 29035’37”

Drakensberg Ballooning & Ukhozi Bush Lodge
Miskien het dit iets te doen met die kurwe van die aarde, maar om uit ‘n lugballon ondertoe te kyk laat ‘n mens baie klein voel. Vroegoggend, sonsopkoms, die ongelooflike stilte word slegs nou en dan onderbreek deur die geblaas van die brander en af en toe ‘n skril roep van ‘n voël.
Die opwinding is ongelooflik terwyl jy rustig bo die aarde sweef met die
majestueuse Drakensberge op die horison.

082 352 5516 – David
082 548 9910 – Annali
GPS Co-Ordinates
S 28 49.647, E 29 27.927